Cook Islands Trust Industry ‘resilient’ during pandemic

In March 2020, the borders to the Cook Islands slammed shut. What that meant for the Cook Islands was no more tourists, and for a country heavily reliant on tourism – it had a huge impact. Several businesses were suddenly reliant on the government for their survival and many Cook Islanders lost their jobs. Ultimately Cook Islanders started to migrate to New Zealand in search of employment.

In the offshore trust industry, the impact was low. Trust companies in the Cook Islands continued to operate as normal. Employment actually increased over the past year while PAYE and VAT paid to government remained steady. The industry has proven itself resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Confidence in the Cook Islands trust industry is high and this seems to mirror what is happening to trust and estate practitioners across the world. A survey of STEP practitioners found that net impact of COVID-19 across jurisdictions has been that business has either remained at the same levels as before or increased. This unsurprisingly has increased calls for the industry to be considered high up on the diversification list for the Cook Islands. 

The Trustee Companies business in the Cook Islands has matured since it’s inception over 40 years ago. We have:

  • a well-developed market and customer base
  • an experienced and highly-skilled workforce and 
  • a reputation for trust legislation that has been duplicated throughout the United States of America and the several other jurisdictions.  

The industry is currently waiting for the Cook Islands Government to approve new and exciting legislation which will offer a further advantage to the jurisdiction and once again put us at the forefront of cutting edge legislation.

We are committed to keeping you informed of developments in the Cook Islands offshore trust industry. Make sure you are following us through our Facebook & LinkedIn channels.

Protecting Your Business Against Litigation

The assets of a business are often exposed to litigation and because of this most businesses are owned by limited liability companies. This protects the members from judgments against the business flowing through to them. However…

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IRPT Series

Part 4 – Preventing Abuse In Operation Of IRPT

Part 4 of 4 – Matrimonial courts are inherently suspicious of trusts because of the potential for a dominant party (often the settlor) to use powers contained in the trust to abuse a subordinate party. For this reason, a number of provisions in the Act are designed…

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